Blick über den Pool des Berghüttendorfs Anno Dazumal auf den Kirchturm

The power of the senses

Sauna, steam bath & pool

Where you can recover from the stresses and strains of everyday life, where you can recharge your batteries, where you can recharge your batteries - that's where your mind comes to rest. And you are ready for a new day full of adventures and experiences that will make you richer in experience, stronger and more balanced. Welcome to our Alpinvital bathing hut.

Grundriss Alpinvital Badehütte

Opening hours
Alpinvital bathing hut

Our 333m² Vitalalpin bathing hut opens for you between 1.00 pm and 9.00 pm, depending on the weather and the Vitalknecht infusion programme. Children up to the age of 14 are welcome until 6.30 pm when accompanied by their parents. From 6.30 pm, however, the wellness area is a place of peace and quiet for all adult guests.

Stadlsauna mit Holzbänken und Aufguss-Ofen